Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bertucci's Study Sessions

Dedication: To the amazing establishment that fed three mad graduate students for three days-Bertucci's thanks for the memories!

Last semester Madison, Elise and I came together to foster one master public relations plan for a small nonprofit in Haiti and Maine-Konbit Sante. Like most grad students we procrastinated and in efforts to create success we crammed. We crammed for three nights in a row at the greatest establishment ever, Bertucci's. What draws three graduate students to camp out at Bertucci's for three days? Unlimited soup and salad and the greatest rolls ever! I'd like to point out the staff was amazing. They let us stay as long as we wanted and always sat us next to an outlet cord (the energy boost wasn't for us, but for our computers). Our presentation was a huge success and the client was highly impressed with our work. Madison, Elise and I were about five pounds heavier after that week. Personally, I always feel a little nostalgic every time I pass by Bertucci's in Kenmore Square. That place holds some really good memories.

Since this chaotic project, Madison has been on the exciting job hunt and Elise and I have been finishing our last semester. Just a few days ago, we got together to discuss the dreaded COMPs and catch-up on some good old times. It was certainly a no brainer where we'd gather-Bertucci's. If you're wondering what we ordered, that's a no brainer too-unlimited soup and salad with an extra portion of rolls.
(Katie and Madison enjoying some unlimited soup and salad) 

(Elise giving the rolls a thumbs up) 

Madison and Elise, I don't think I could ever describe how fortunate I am to have met you girls and worked on this awesome project together. I think no matter what, Bertucci's will always be our place!

Hasta next time,

P.S: I much rather be playing trivia!

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