Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rockin Road Runners

Dedication: This post is dedicated to two rockin runners, Elise Kovi and Yisel Acevedo. There are no words to describe how unbelievably proud of you I am.  You are true inspirations!

Elise Kovi, B.A.A. Half Marathon Rockin Runner

Yisel Acevedo, Tufts 10K Rockin Runner 

Lets get real, it’s October and new year’s resolutions are a vague memory.  I can honestly confirm mine sure was till it resurfaced this weekend.  You’re probably asking how did something you commit to in January just resurface.

First, let me start off by sharing what was my new year’s resolution- there were actually two. The first was to donate to a charity that was near and dear to my heart.  I can gladly say I’ve donated some money and my time to three very amazing charities in New England. As for my second resolution I was to run a 5K. That resolution quickly fell to the waste side and resurfaced as I watched my two amazing friends, Elise and Yisel cross the finish line this past weekend.

Elise and Yisel have been rigorously training for a half-marathon and 10K for the past few months. On Sunday morning and Monday afternoon I stood by the sidelines and cheered them on as they successfully completed their races. I was filled with pride to see them fulfill their goal and I was motivated beyond explanation.

After much contemplation and a huge push from my amazing friend and coach, Rudy, I’ve decided to complete my new year’s resolution. On Thanksgiving Day I’ll be running the 5K Turkey Trot in Miami, Florida. It’s going to be an interesting journey, but one things for sure I’ve got some really awesome friends to push me along.

I’ll keep you informed on my training!

Hasta next time,

1 comment:

  1. Nicely written Grace! It's funny, earlier today I thought to myself you never know how the things you do in life impact others. For me it was extremely inspiring to see so many strong women support their cause for better healthcare. It makes me happy to hear that you're not giving up on your goal of running a 5k! I totally believe in you sister and I can't wait to cross that finish line with you in Miami's Turkey Trot! =)
