Saturday, October 1, 2011

OMG I’m Blogging Peeps!

Hola and welcome to Grace-Full Thoughts!

You’re probably wondering how the hell this chaos came about. Well its simple, thank Professor Steve Quigley at Boston University. He’s my New Media and PR professor and made this part of my course grade. 

When given the assignment I stressed for days on what the heck to write about that would capture the attention of the virtual world. I thought about shopping, food, coffee, purses, reality television, cause marketing, corporate social responsibility and the list goes on and on. It turned out I wanted to write about a plethora of things, but I wanted to write it for the people I cared about the most; my family and friends. The reality is, I spend countless hours speaking to many of them on the phone about my hectic life here in Boston and my crazy last semester schedule really doesn’t allot the time. So here is the solution, a way for them to stay informed. I write and you comment-PLEASE!

Aside from my cool family and friends, trust me when I say they rock, this blog is for anyone who’s ever left home and wants to stay in touch. Let this be an example of how you can speak your mind, hopefully earn and A (hint, hint Professor Quigley), and keep connected with those you love.

I promise this will be a fun, spunky and bubbly read-just like me.

Hasta luego,

P.S: Every post will include a dedication- someone or something that sparked my writing bug.

DEDICATION: This post is for you, yes YOU-because you are awesome and reading this blog!


  1. Can't wait to read your posts :) Make sure to include pics of your sassy outfits for your fashionista sister in law. Xo

  2. From your e-mail announcing your foray into blogging straight through to the blog itself, it is so very spunky and you! I can't wait for the updates and I'll be sure to add it to my RSS feeds. Love you, Pinky!

  3. Sounds like a great idea! I'm a big fan of yours. Count me in!

  4. Good Stuff Gracie. Looking forward to reading your work. How often can we expect new content to appear on the blog?

  5. Happy Tuesday everyone and thanks for the wonderful comments!

    To answer Gabriel's question I'll be posting any where from once to twice a week. There will definitely be a post every Wednesday; a nice little mid-week break. Occasionally, expect something on Sunday's.

